Wednesday, February 20, 2013

JAMPRO to represent region on world stage | UHY Dawgen Chartered Accountants Blog

JAMPRO to represent region on world stage | UHY Dawgen Chartered Accountants Blog

JAMPRO has been elected to represent the Central American and Caribbean region through the Steering Committee of the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA).
The regional directorship comes as JAMPRO seeks to bolster its capacity to represent the issues and challenges faced by investment promotion agencies (IPAs) in the Central American and Caribbean region.
“The endorsement that we have received from WAIPA affirms their confidence in Jampro’s capacity and commitment to fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of the directorship,” JAMPRO’S president Sancia Bennett Templer said in a release to the media.
The agency cited its “exemplary investment promotion credentials”, particularly through the acquisition of investments of global hotel chains in the local hotel sector as chief milestones in its bid for the directorship.
JAMPRO’s role in the “robust expansion of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sectors, which created employment for over 13,000 Jamaicans” was also noted as having contributed to the esteem with which the agency is held by the world forum for investment agencies.
“Our wide and varied experiences as a successful IPA from a small island developing state will bring unique perspectives to the Steering Committee of WAIPA and to its policy and decision-making process,” the agency said.

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