Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Fiscal consolidation inevitable in the Caribbean, says IMF - Lead Stories - Jamaica Gleaner - Wednesday | January 2, 2013

Fiscal consolidation inevitable in the Caribbean, says IMF - Lead Stories - Jamaica Gleaner - Wednesday | January 2, 2013: "An International Monetary Fund (IMF) working paper says since growth in the current global economic environment is "virtually non-existent", significant fiscal consolidation is inevitable in the region.

The paper, dubbed 'The Challenges of Fiscal Consolidation and Debt Reduction in the Caribbean', examines debt dynamics in the Caribbean and discusses policy options for reducing the high debt levels.

Based on empirical studies of factors underlying global large-debt reduction episodes, the paper says "important policy lessons" are drawn for the Caribbean.

The analysis shows that major debt reductions are associated with strong growth and decisive and lasting fiscal consolidation efforts.

It says better control of the public wage bill, increasing public-sector efficiency and tackling transfers are the obvious targets to reduce spending.

On revenue, the working paper says there is "ample room" to reduce tax expenditures, eliminate distortions while broadening the tax base.

"Fiscal consolidation needs to be complemented by a comprehensive debt-reduction strategy, including tax policy reforms and structural reforms to boost competitiveness," the paper urges."

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