Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ticket amnesty packs island's tax departments - Lead Stories - Jamaica Gleaner - Saturday | December 29, 2012

Ticket amnesty packs island's tax departments - Lead Stories - Jamaica Gleaner - Saturday | December 29, 2012: "It was a second day of long lines yesterday at Corporate Area tax offices as persons tried to beat the expiration of the traffic-ticket amnesty.

The length of the lines was compounded by persons making regular end-of-month payments, including general consumption tax. At Cross Roads, Shanike Donnegan-Burke, payment purchasing officer, said there was about a 50-50 ratio of amnesty to other business. While persons said the line was moving steadily, there were glitches.

"Some people have come and said they have already paid, so we have to check which takes up time," she said. To add extra pressure, she said the swipe-card machines were "moving slowly" but did not know if that was due to the increased traffic. Most in line were non-committal about why they waited until close to the deadline to pay."

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