Sunday, December 16, 2012

Richard Branson on How to Use Age to Your Advantage

Richard Branson on How to Use Age to Your Advantage:

What advice would you give to senior entrepreneurs who want to remain active, creative and productive in their pre-retirement or retirement years?

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A: When I was young, my hero was Peter Pan, and he is still one of my favorite fictional characters. After all, who wouldn't want to be him? He spent his days with a great gang of friends, he went on lots of adventures, and he could fly. While I have no intention of slowing down anytime soon, it would be great to be like Peter, who never got any older.
In my experience, older entrepreneurs can use their age to their advantage, both in business and in life. There is no reason at all to slow down. If you are concerned about preserving your creativity, look to some new sources of inspiration -- innovative ideas or fresh strategies from other fields, for example, or surprising new technological developments, or art and music you find interesting.
I often find that when I take a break to learn about something new, my newfound knowledge can be applied to some of our Virgin businesses, helping us to tackle long-standing problems from different angles.

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