Saturday, December 15, 2012

Global Accountancy College(GAC) Students Mentoring Program

Global Accountancy College: "Global Accountancy College(GAC) recognises the value and importance of mentoring and as such are now adopting a mentoring program for each student entitled: Global Accountancy College(GAC) Students Mentoring Program

The Global Accountancy College(GAC) Mentoring Program should be seen as "a system of semi-structured guidance whereby the mentors shares their knowledge, skills and experience to assist the students to progress in their own lives and careers" rather more than just 'giving advice', or passing on your experience. It will involves motivating and empowering the students to identify their own issues and goals, and helping them to find ways of resolving or reaching them - not by doing it for them, or expecting them to 'do it the way the mentor did it', but by understanding and respecting different ways of working.

Under the Global Accountancy College(GAC) Students Mentoring Program each student is assign a personal course mentor who will help them in all areas of their studies. This includes but not limited to course/subject selection, creating study time-table to fit student life style and motivating them to pass their examinations."

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