Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Find ‘inner peace’ – do your tax return now | GLOBAL ACCOUNTANT

Find ‘inner peace’ – do your tax return now | GLOBAL ACCOUNTANT: "A new HMRC advertising campaign is urging anyone who hasn’t sent in their 2011-12 tax return to do it now – and find “inner peace”.

The new ads, launching later this month, highlight the imminent 31 January deadline for online returns, and the £100 penalty for missing the deadline. They encourage people who still haven’t sent their return to “do it today, pay what you owe and take a load off your mind”, so they can experience “inner peace”.

The campaign has been developed to touch on the emotions that HMRC found people typically experience after they have filled in their tax return, often described as a real sense of relief or peace of mind – like a weight being lifted from their shoulders. The new ads feature people from different professions experiencing this feeling of post-return well-being"

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