Sunday, December 16, 2012

5 Ways to Succeed in Any Economy

5 Ways to Succeed in Any Economy:

Thomas Barwick | Stone | Getty Images
The more difficult the economy, the greater the opportunities -- but only for those who are strong, well-prepared and persistent. Many people are fixated by national or even global economic doom and gloom. Many wait for a magic fix, only to realize it will never come.
We are now in what I like to call an "eat what you kill" environment, where the people who win are those who take the initiative without waiting for permission to create their own success.

Here are five ways I have found to ensure success in any economy:
1. Depend on no one.
Success will elude you until you realize that no one is the cause of your problems and no one can ensure you will achieve your goals. Your destiny is up to you and no one else. I began on the path to making a real difference in my professional life only after I decided I would not take the crumbs the government doles out through unemployment benefits and would get a job no matter what I had to do. As a college graduate schooled in accounting, working on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico was not my idea of a job, much less a career. But because I was willing to do whatever it took to begin producing and making a difference in my life, I gained the confidence that led to major career advancements

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