Tuesday, April 24, 2012

UHY Haines Norton - Business Improvement

UHY Haines Norton - Business Improvement: "Some years ago I sat down and analysed my client base with a view to defining the ingredients that made my most successful customers profitable and stable. Overwhelmingly my finding was that the owners of each business had built up a solid management team, invested in improving their skills and provided them with the administrative tools to allow them to analyse and improve their areas of the business.

I identified too that investment in staff resulted in lower staff turnover as people felt valued, challenged and motivated. Moving to the present day, we often come across businesses who under invest in their staff and administrative functions with a resultant impairment in business profitability and staff satisfaction.

A common reason for the under investment is that business owners often see spending in these areas as an expense rather than an investment. Below are several tips to help turn staff expenditure into an investment:"

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