Tuesday, April 24, 2012

5 steps to rebound from retrenchment - IT Employment Trends - Special Reports - Insight

5 steps to rebound from retrenchment - IT Employment Trends - Special Reports - Insight: "The IT industry is one of the economic sectors that is particularly vulnerable to retrenchments because it is susceptible to outsourcing. However, human resource executives point out that Asia's IT employment market remains strong and retrenched jobseekers can take the chance to reevaluate their strengths and explore new opportunities.

According to Claire Smart, associate director of information technology at Randstad, the IT industry is one that is particularly susceptible to offshoring exercises and "as a result these sectors see retrenchments occurring more than others".

Still, she pointed out that Singapore was one regional market facing a talent crunch. "With a 2 percent unemployment rate, it is unlikely retrenched professionals will be out of work for long pending their ability to market themselves back into the employment market," she said."

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